
#blw anyone?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

i'm over the moon for the 9th month. i know you aren't shocked. i love how this little man child teeters between baby and little boy within seconds of each other. i can't get enough of watching him learn new things - soaking up the details that surround him, things i haven't taken the time to notice in years. tonight he spent several minutes looking up at the faucet during bath time - you know, where the water comes out and fills the tub. i can remember looking up at that when i was little too, completely mesmerized and intrigued by the thought of where all that water comes from and the journey it must have taken to get to me. i saw a flash forward of a 4 year old little boy asking, "mom, why does the water come out?" or "where does the water actually live?". i can't wait for that. as you know by now, i pretty much can't wait for anything that has to do with him.

we're trying a lot of new things these days -- he's flying free in the tub now, like a big kid. we retired our baby bath tub and put a lot of faith in his ability to sit on his own now. he has his moments of over-confidence, but he's learning. i probably say "stay on your bottom" about 100 times during every bath time. i love that he knows what that means and listens to me when i say it. for now. he absolutely loves water. he splashes, scoots, and grabs and i can tell he's in his happy place.

he's "cruising" -- a term i just recently learned. he walks around the couch, his crib, his downstairs play zone with ease now. he laughs when i tell him he's "crusin' for a bruisin"... my dad used to say this to us. i love having those moments where i connect with my parents and find myself doing something that i learned from them. it's in those moments i remember they are always with me, even when they aren't.

we've made our way into entertaining meal times - and while many refer to it as baby led weaning (#blw in social media terms), i see it as simply feeding your baby normal food and letting him have fun exploring the sensation of touching, feeling, and chewing it himself. it works for us. he's independent and opinionated so naturally he wants to do this on his own too. the concept is straight forward and easy. i like easy. dump a few things on his tray and let him go to town. it's messy but of course it makes for great photo ops. case in point above. he loves avocado - one of the first we tried. we've also done nectarines, cheese, yogurt, and strawberries. we did yogurt tonight, and surprisingly he appropriately used his spoon. apparently we can do meat now, but that weirds me out. any tips on how to introduce meat the blw way are definitely welcome.

everyone is right when they say each new stage is better than the last. i could freeze time right here, but knowing how it just seems to get better and better is my reminder to ride this perfect wave.


  1. Love baby led weaning! We have been doing it since the start. We have not tried strawberries yet, success I'm assuming? As far as meat goes...I have given him salmon twice, loved it- triple checked for bones (almost went as far as Alicia Silverstone :) ). Thinking of doing grilled or baked chicken in strips so he can pick it up and gnaw on it...
    I have a good site if you are interested- it's a blog with food she has tried and pros and cons, I visit it daily! Let me know and I will send it your way!

    Happy Eating!


    1. Love it! Please do send over the site. I am a sucker for blogs. Speaking of -- are you blogging anymore, lady!? Brody is an absolute doll. I love seeing all of the pics of him. Social media is my BFF. Not sure what I'd do without it! Saw you got him a new carseat -- did you do the britax for his infant carrier as well? We have the same print in the chaperone and I have to admit i am not super thrilled with it. It's bulky and heavy -- wondering what you think of the convertible???

    2. I wish I still blogged, I say everyday that I am going to start [him] one as a 'baby book' easy, right? I keep 3! hand written ones...might as well condense it into one! I'll start tomorrow...

      We went with the Safety 1st carrier...basically it was on sale and the reviews were I bought it. I was hoping he would be in it until he was one...but this kid is huge! So we switch to the convertible . I do like the Britax so far, but we have only been using it for a few days..

    3. ....this keeps freezing on me! Basically, Wyatt is so adorable and I love reading about him and I think we should get together ;)

    4. I posted the link to the BLW blog on your FB under this post. It won't let me cut and paste it here.

    5. We totally need to get our boys together!! Do you ever make your way up north!??!?!!

  2. such a cute post. I agree I love 9 & 10 months. They are turning into people. If I could freeze time I would to, sad it's going so fast! I am so in love that I actually refer to Chase as my boyfriend ;) In all serious though every Momma needs a baby boy in her life! We let Chase eat what we eat. If you eat meat for dinner let him try a little peice or it :). Thats how we do it anyway. If we can eat it, they can to (with exception of honey & nuts).

    1. I love that you call him your boyfriend. That is hilarious, Katie! Congrats on your new house by the way! I pretty much invited my family over to play there at some point soon. I am dying to get our boys together and keep bugging Jerame about it. I hope all is well and you are getting settled in OK! See you soon!

  3. Wait until you get, "where does the poop go mama?", at 21 months, I wasn't prepared! Vincent loves frozen blueberries, great for teething too!

    1. I seriously can't believe Vinny is already 21 months... and do you call him Vinny or Vincent more... just curious. He's turning into such a little man. Love seeing all of your instagram pics!!! love you and miss you!

  4. ok, I know you posted this forever ago, but miss harper is SO ready for this. I think we are going to try to do some self-feeding this long weekend with her. any tips? hope you are doing great with miss summer :)


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