
On my mind :: 14 Weeks

Friday, May 13, 2011

:: 14 Week Bump Shot - Taken May 12th, 2011 ::

I'm totally not going to be one of those girls that judges herself and the changes her body goes through when she's pregnant. Nope. I don't really notice the fact that my face is a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle rounder than usual. Nope. Not concerned at all about the fact that my upper arm has grown somewhat and has less tone. Doesn't bother me one bit.

Maybe just one bit - but I do know that when I am 40 weeks pregnant, probably with two weeks left before I meet my baby still, I will look back at this picture and think, "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn I looked good" because my arms will be even bigger, my face even rounder. Get over it, Jord! 

I will say I do love knowing that there's a little person (that actually looks more and more like a baby now!) growing inside me. Part me. Part Ty. All love.

My sweet grandma and I talked this week. I don't think anyone is more excited about this baby than her. She's giddy with excitement about this bambino and I can't get enough of it when I talk to her.

Grandma: Oh honey! I think I can now talk to you about what you are going through. I went to Barnes & Noble today and got a book that walks me through week by week of pregnancy! So now you have to tell me exactly where you are at so I can go read what's going on right now.
Me: Well, I am 14 weeks today. 
Grandma: OK, 14 weeks. Let's see here... OK. Here we are. Oh look! (She then goes on to describe what she sees and then reads me the short description of the progress the little one will make this week.)
Me: Isn't it so exciting to see? 
Grandma: Oh yes!! Now, let's make sure we talk every week so I can tell you what's going on. 

She is the cutest. She is the best grandma - from day one she and I have been hooked. I love hearing all of the stories about how she couldn't get enough of me when I was first born. How she used to come over to my parent's house at lunch time just to hold me. How she used to snatch me up and rescue me when Trevor was born. We'd go shopping. We'd do sleep overs. It all just continued through elementary school, junior high and high school. She and my sweet Grandpa would take Trev and I to Hawaii for fun trips. And even in college I'd spend my spring breaks with her and my Grandpa (and the SUN!) in Palm Springs. Since graduating from college and starting a new life up here, we see each other less but the love has always been there. I know that my grandparents loved being our grandparents. I can't wait to see them with my baby and get glimpses of what it was like when they first met me.

OK, enough for now. We have a doctor's appointment on Tuesday, which I still get anxious about even after getting "over the hump". Say prayers for a sweet heartbeat and a growing uterus!
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