

Friday, September 23, 2011

ty and i have been so lucky to have such an amazing group of people supporting us through this pregnancy! we've been blessed with four baby showers and we feel so humbled by everyone's generosity. it really is overwhelming to think about everything you need to get ready for a little one to join the family. our friends and family have come to the rescue and given us gifts we couldn't do without. "thank you" really doesn't do how we feel justice. we truly feel lucky to have you guys. i wanted to share a few pictures from a shower hosted by my mom and mother-in-law earlier this month at my aunt's house. it was such a beautiful day - the weather couldn't have been better, and the turn out was awesome! (thank you to auntie annie for getting some fun shots with her iphone that day!)


1 comment:

  1. Oh darling girl, it's a privilege to shower you with fun things for baby Wyatt! It's what family and friends do!!! I'm just so excited for you and Tyrone to meet baby Wyatt! Well, I want to meet him too, but you know what i mean!


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