
giving thanks today

Thursday, November 28, 2013

i, like so many of you, are reflecting today. i try hard to be thankful for this life i have, and the people who make it so incredibly great, every day. i am blessed. i am lucky. i try hard to foster my relationships, be a good friend, wife, and mama. i am not the best, and i am not perfect. by any means. but i do appreciate so much of what i've been given. the good, and even the bad. i am thankful for lessons and for the people that make an imprint on my life - old friends and new ones. those that are still in my life, those that are not. today, i am thankful for my family - the one i've built with my love. 

ty, i thank you today honey. for being you. for loving me. putting up with me everyday. for laughing with me, and at me. for never letting me take myself too seriously. for giving me the most perfect babies. our center. our hearts. our world. you are the most incredible dad to our kids. KIDS! WTH!? you bbq like a son of a gun, you build baby gadgets and gizmos in record time, you mix a mean cocktail, and you definitely know how to have your way with a plunger. you are the most patient, positive, genuine person i know. you remind me to love life, have fun, let loose, and calm down. i love watching you teach wyatt how to do the same. (that's what you get for surrounding yourself with hot tempered scorpios!) thank you for always supporting me. for cheering me on, and reminding me what i am capable of doing. you are my perfect match, and you love me more than you should sometimes. i know i can be a crazy bitch, but this crazy bitch loves you more than i know how to show most of the time. you teach me to love better, and be better everyday. happy thanksgiving, stud.

my sweet kiddos, you guys are everything. you are the mascots of our family - of love. you give me purpose and challenge the heck out of me - hourly. you remind me how strong i am. it's been you two all along -the kids i've dreamed about loving until it hurts. i promise to love you, teach you, trust you, empower you, and obsess over you until i am ashes on your mantles. cool? happy turkey day, turkeys.

and to you, my sweet friends. this life is so amazingly sweet because of you. because without you, the people that love me for me, call me out, stand me up, cheer me on, laugh and cry with me, i'd be a pretty boring chick. i love letting my freak flag fly high with each of you, knowing you'll only love me for it.

giving thanks today, & everyday.

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